What I offer
Keeping your body physically and mentality fit is vital to becoming the best in your field. When I was in full time training I always wanted someone who had experience in my training rather than someone disconnected from what we went through on a day to day basis.
That’s why I offer the below services as that was what I was after.
Sports Massage
Whether you are recovering from an injury or trying to prevent one, sports massage is one of the best treatments for your body.
I am both level 3 and 4 qualified and adaptable to your needs. I’m not afraid to go deep but know when a softer approach is needed.
I am a travelling therapist so as long as you have adequate space for a massage table to be set up you can have a massage in the comfort of your own home.
What you eat is just as important as they way you train. Good nutrition improves both cognitive and physical growth and repair which, in turn, means less time injured and fatigued.
(Service coming soon)
More and more evidence shows that your mental health is more important to your overall health than first conceived. So why neglect it?
(Service coming soon)